Ashvin Rural


The subject – ‘Agadtantra, Vyahar Ayurved Evam Vidhi Vaidyak’ teaes medical alertness as in Toxicology i. e. Agadtantra  & Legal awareness as in Forensic Medicine i.e. Vyavahar  Ayurved  & Medical Jurisprudence i.e. Vidhi Vaidyak.Main aim of this subject is to contribute in producing skilled legal

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Rasashashtra & Bhaishajya Kalpana deals with Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences.It includes Preparation & Standardizations of various medicines.Formulations includes knowledge about traditional as well as modern methods of preparation.Rasashashtra & Bhaishajya kalapana include deep knowledge about herbal, mineral & poisonous drugs, there identification & ideal quality. Preparation

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This is an important subject which is included in Second Year B.A.M.S. which deals with patients clinical examinations, pathological investigations. As we all know that in Medical faculty without diagnosis, the treatment become absolutely of no meaning. This subject is not only related to diagnosis

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Ayurveda the ancient, but eternal science of life has been serving the mankind since many centuries and will continue it further efficiently in the time to come. According to the basic logical principle and evidence based philosophy of Ayurveda, each matter is composed of five

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Ayurveda is an everlasting science of medicine because it deals with all aspects of life. Particularly of human being since time immemorial.It is the science of life and has both preventive and the rapeutic aspects of treatment. Among the Asthtanga of Ayurveda Kayachikitsa is considered

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Shalakya Tantra is the subject consisting three subdivisions- 1. Netra roga vigyan (Ophthalmology), 2. Karna-Nasa- Kanth-Shiro roga vigyan (ENT), 3. Mukh & Dant roga (Detistry). These specialties having some different methods  of treatment known as Kriyakalp, like local application of medicine at the site of

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Women’s health refers to the health of women , which differs from that of one in many unique ways. Women have been disadvantaged in many respects such as social and economic power which restricts their access to the necessities of life including health care. The

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Kaumarbhritya – Tantra (Balrog) is the part of Ashtang – Ayurveda which deals with children of age group 0 – 16 years. This science is not only covers the disease or treatment part only but all aspects of children like food, nutrition, feeding nurse, toys, etc.The

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Ayurveda is a science of art of living. It deals with preventive and curative principles for the better health. This subject “Swasthavritta” is included in IIIrd year syllabus. It deals with personal and social hygiene not only at the physical level but also at the

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Dravyaguna vigyan is a branch of Ayurveda which deals with the medicinal properties of medicinal plants. It includes all the macroscopic and microscopic structures of plants.The knowledge of these medicinal properties is useful in clinical practices also. Use of Ayurvedic medicines is increasing day by

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Panchakarma means “five procedures”. These five cleansing procedures remove accumulated waste materials in the body. Meant for both healthy and sick.⦁ Medicated oil enema (Sneha Vasti)⦁ Decoction enema (Kashaya Vasti)⦁ Cleaning the bowels with medicines (Virechana)⦁ Induced vomiting with medicines (Vamana)⦁ Nose Medication (Nasya)If done

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Shalya Tantra ( General Surgery ) department has a separate and well equipped surgery department dealing patients on both outdoor and indoor basis specialized Ayurvedic and surgical management our department has various activities for surgical patients in these all the general surgical procedures are performed

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Department of Sharir Kriya is concerned with Basic Principles of Ayurveda. Basic Principles ( for exp. Dosha, Dhatu, Malas etc.) are very very important in Ayurveda. Without knowledge of basic principles of Sharir Kriya, we cannot understand any subject of Ayurveda because doshas are physiological

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Sharir Rachana is one of the main basic subjects of medical science, by which we can identify and gain knowledge of human body parts using dissection methods and become open- minded researcher and able clinician. Being the foundation, all the basic principles of Ayurveda are

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